SEDGWICK.ORG presents:
A Sedgwick Genealogy: Descendants of Deacon Benjamin Sedgwick
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part: "Officers and Soldiers of the Sixth Corps, for the last time you stand here together and before parting, never as a corps to meet again--here upon the spot he knew so well, in tender memory of him and in bond of faithful union among yourselves, raise this statue to the brave and gentle Sedgwick. It is wrought of cannon that, with his eye watching you and his heart trusting you, you captured in the blazing fury of battle. It is a monument of your valor as well as his devotion. His modesty would have refused it for himself but his affection would have accepted it from you."

On Memorial Day, 1900, a monument was dedicated on a triangle of ground opposite the cemetery at Cornwall Hollow, where the General was buried. On it is inscribed a list of the principal battles in which he was engaged. In his honor a full size statue has been placed over the entrance to the State Capital at Hartford, Conn., and there are statues at Spottsylvania near where he fell and on the battleground at Gettysburg.

"Handsome Joe," the horse presented to him by his Army companions, was the model for the horse on which the General is shown seated. This was dedicated on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle.

General Sedgwick has been commemorated also by several towns and counties named in his honor. The county and town of Sedgwick in Colorado on the Platte River were named for "the first commander of the fort in that locality."

In Kansas the Town and County of Sedgwick were named for him at the suggestion of former soldiers of his command.

After his tragic death his remains were borne to his home at Cornwall Hollow and a public funeral, offered by the legislature, was declined by his family. No military salute was fired above his grave but as his body was lowered to its last resting place, a peal of thunder like the roar of distant artillery reverberated along the heavens, sounding his requiem and the tired soldier rested.

The U.S. Government through General Flagler, Chief of the Ordnance Department, presented the Town of Corwall with an eight inch howitzer and 140 shells to be placed near the grave of Major General John Sedgwick as a part of his monument.

Olive Collins Sedgwick, 3d child of Benjamin Sedgwick (B29) and Olive (Collins) Sedgwick, was born January 15, 1817, at Cornwall, Conn., and died January 15, 1856, at Kent, Conn. She married Ashbel Fuller of Kent, where they lived. No children.

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